We are currently not able to take rush orders for custom printed party supplies (cups, napkins, koozies). Please note estimated production times on each product page.
We have the ability to print your custom art or logo. The fee is an additional $50 to your cup pricing. Uploaded images should be in 300 dpi and in a .jpg .png .pdf .ai . psd .svg or .eps file format.
Camera ready black and white artwork must be provided for special orders with all text converted to curves or outlines. A vector image is preferred.
If you are making art in Canva, please export it to a .svg file with transparent background.
Click the desired stock art
Choose from a flat/matte imprint color or shiny metallic foil color.
Date of your event or the date the item needs to arrive. We will contact you if we can’t meet your date – please watch your spam folder if the order is time sensitive.
Email address